Dallas & Fort Worth Estate
Planning & Social Security
Law Firm
The Law Office of Carey Thompson, PC, provides comprehensive legal services to individuals and businesses throughout the Dallas-Forth Worth area and greater Tarrant County. Our practice focuses on estate planning, probate, disability law, commercial litigation, and business law. Whether you need assistance creating a will, administering an estate, obtaining disability benefits, or resolving a business dispute, we can help.

Lead attorney Carey Thompson is well-known as a dedicated advocate who adheres to the highest professional and ethical standards. Our legal team is committed to providing our clients with informed representation and personalized attention. When you partner with us, we will listen to your concerns and tailor our services to your needs. Call our Saginaw office today to schedule a consultation.


It is common to think of estate planning as “who gets what after I die,” but planning your estate is the beginning of your financial journey. While no two estates are the same, every adult needs essential estate planning documents, including:
- Will to determine how your assets will be distributed and designate guardians for minor children
- Durable power of attorney to appoint a trustworthy individual to act as your agent to handle your personal and business matters should you become incapacitated
- Advance health care directive to name a healthcare representative to make decisions about your medical care if you cannot communicate your preferences
These documents are a good start, but many clients can also benefit from establishing trusts:
- Revocable living trust takes ownership of your property but allows you to manage it during your lifetime. The main benefit of a living trust is that it avoids probate since you no longer own the property; however, a trust must go through a complex trust administration phase.
- Irrevocable trusts achieve objectives such as providing for a special needs loved one, protecting an irresponsible beneficiary, long-term care planning, avoiding estate taxes, and leaving a charitable legacy.
Because estate planning is not a “once and done” arrangement, we provide ongoing counsel to update your plan when necessary. Trust our firm to guide you every step of the way on your estate planning journey.
If you have been named the executor of a loved one’s estate, you have several duties, such as:
- Notifying the designated beneficiaries
- Conducting an inventory and appraisal of the estate assets
- Resolving creditors’ claims against the estate
- Filing the deceased person’s final income taxes
- Paying estate taxes, if applicable
- Distributing the estate assets to the named beneficiaries
When a loved one has died without a will, a family member or close friend of the decedent must ask the court to be the estate administrator. Regardless of your circumstances, you can trust our experienced Texas probate attorney to help you faithfully carry out your duties.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers two benefit programs for individuals who cannot work because of a disability. That’s the good news. The bad news is that obtaining these benefits is challenging, and the SSA frequently denies initial claims. That’s where the Law Office of Carey Thompson steps in. Whether you need assistance applying for disability benefits or appealing a claim denial, we can help.
Our disability attorneys have comprehensive knowledge of the eligibility requirements for disability benefits, including:
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is available to those who have paid into the Social Security system, earned sufficient work credits, and have a qualifying medical impairment.
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is only for those 65 or older, disabled, or blind and who can demonstrate financial need.
You can depend on us to handle all the details of your claim, collaborate with your doctor to collect the necessary medical evidence, represent you in all dealings with the SSA and disability examiners, and fight for the benefits you need and deserve. Because we understand your physical, emotional, and financial challenges, we will charge no attorneys’ fees until we win benefits for you.
Disputes go hand-in-hand with doing business in Texas. When a conflict rises to the level of litigation, having powerful representation is essential. Our firm is highly experienced in litigating all types of commercial disputes, including:
- Business torts involving misconduct by one party to a business agreement resulting in economic harm to another party
- Contract disputes, such as breach of contract, misrepresentation, and disputes over contract interpretation
- Real estate disputes, such as breach of contract and title defects.
- Construction disputes arising from defect claims and nonperformance
We often recommend clients pursue alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods, such as mediation or arbitration; however, we prepare each case for trial to give our clients leverage at the bargaining table and in the courtroom.

in Dallas-Fort Worth
Starting a new business is exciting; achieving success requires strategic planning. Our firm advises entrepreneurs and startups on business formation and choosing a suitable organizational structure, such as:
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Partnership
- S-corporation
- C-corporation
In addition, we assist with preparing foundational documents (e.g. operating agreements, partnership agreements, buy-sell agreements, and design business succession plans as part of a comprehensive estate planning strategy.)

At the Law Office of Carey Thompson, we leverage our skills and experience to help our clients achieve their objectives. From estate planning and disability law to commercial litigation and small business planning, we provide each client with first-rate representation and dependable service. When you become our client, you will be confident with our legal team handling your matters. Contact our office today to get started.
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Fort Worth, TX 76179
Call our office 817.840.7503