Middle-aged couple looking at each other

QTIP vs. Credit Shelter Trust: Maximizing Estate Tax Benefits for Married Texans

Estate planning for married couples in Texas often involves selecting the right trust to maximize estate tax benefits. Two common options are the QTIP trust and the Credit Shelter Trust. Each has unique advantages and can be crucial in ensuring financial security for your loved ones while minimizing estate taxes. By understanding...

QTIP vs. Credit Shelter Trust: Maximizing Estate Tax Benefits for Married Texans Continue reading…
Married couple signing a will together

Guardianship vs. Power of Attorney in Texas: Understanding the Differences for Incapacity

Preparing for the possibility of incapacity involves considering how personal and financial matters will be managed. In Texas, guardianship and power of attorney are two options that provide ways for others to assist with decision-making. While both serve to protect the interests of individuals who may become unable to make their own...

Guardianship vs. Power of Attorney in Texas: Understanding the Differences for Incapacity Continue reading…
old senior asian female tattoo using art therapy at home

Estate Planning for Artists and Creatives in Texas: Protecting Intellectual Property

As an artist or creative in Texas, it's important to plan for preserving and managing your creative works after your death according to your wishes. Estate planning tailored to your unique needs can safeguard your intellectual property rights, manage licensing agreements, and ensure your artistic legacy is fairly distributed to beneficiaries....

Estate Planning for Artists and Creatives in Texas: Protecting Intellectual Property Continue reading…
Texas Farm

Can I Put My Farm in a Trust?

Families often want to hold onto land, hoping to eventually pass it on from one generation to the next. Many Texans have kept their farms in the family for years. As you consider your family’s needs and your wishes for your property, you may wonder about your options for protecting this valuable...

Can I Put My Farm in a Trust? Continue reading…