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By Carey Thompson
Founding Attorney

You can apply for Social Security disability benefits through the SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) Program or the SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Program. Both programs require individuals to complete a detailed disability application. The disability application provides essential information that the SSA requires to determine if an individual is entitled to receive Social Security disability benefits.

Our Texas Social Security disability benefit appeals lawyers discuss seven of the common reasons why the SSA denies disability applications and how you can avoid some of these mistakes in this blog.

7 Common Reasons Your Social Security Disability Application Was Denied

  1. You did not meet the qualifications for being disabled.
    The Social Security Administration has a strict definition of disabled. To qualify as disabled, you must have a medical or mental condition that you can document through physician statements and other health records. The condition must be expected to result in your death or last at least 12 months. Lastly, the condition must prevent you from working to earn the minimum income level to provide for your needs as set by the government.
  2. You earn too much money or have too many assets.
    For both SSDI and SSI, you cannot earn above a certain amount of income each month to qualify for disability benefits. The maximum income restrictions are adjusted each year. For 2019, the maximum income limits for disability benefits is $1,220 ($2,040 for blind applicants). If you are applying for SSI, you must also meet strict asset limitations to receive disability benefits.
  3. You did not submit the required documentation.
    Applications that do not have the required documentation may be delayed or denied. In many cases, the SSA sends a letter requesting the missing information or documentation. Failing to supply the requested information and documents usually results in a denial of the application.
  4. Did not earn enough work credits.
    SSDI is a disability program for disabled workers.  To qualify for SSDI, an individual must have earned a minimum number of work credits.  The number of work credits earned is based on the applicant’s age, income, and other factors. If an applicant does not have the required number of work creditors for SSDI, the applicant might still qualify for disability benefits under SSI if he or she meets the income and asset qualifications.
  5. Failing to attend meetings or respond to SSA requests.
    An applicant may be required to attend one or more meetings during the application process. In some cases, telephone conferences may be scheduled. Failing to respond to the SSA and attend scheduled meetings is cause for a denial of claim.
  6. Failing to Comply with an Independent Medical Examination
    The SSA may require an applicant to submit to an Independent Medical Examination (IME). The IME is conducted by a physician or medical provider chosen by the SSA. Failing to show up or comply with the IME is another reason the SSA may deny a Social Security disability claim.
  7. Alcohol or Drug Addiction
    Social Security disability claims related to alcohol or drug addiction are often denied if the addiction was a contributing factor to the disability. However, if you can prove you would still be disabled if you stop using drugs or alcohol, your claim may be approved upon appeal.

Texas Social Security Disability Lawyers Can Help with Claims or When Your Application was Denied

Consulting with experienced Texas Social Security disability lawyers can help you avoid some of the common errors that often result in the denial of Social Security disability benefits. Schedule a consult with one of our experienced social security disability lawyers today. Our attorneys can also help you appeal a denial to receive the disability benefits you need.

About the Author
Carey Thompson has been practicing Social Security Disability Law Since 2008 after he graduated from Texas Wesleyan School of Law, now known as Texas A&M school of Law in Fort Worth, TX.  While at Texas Wesleyan he served on Law Review.  Prior to going to Law School, Mr. Thompson was a High School Band Director for four years using his degree in Music Education from Michigan State University.  Prior to Attending Michigan State, he attended Aledo Schools from Kindergarten to graduate.  Mr.Thompson feels strongly about serving the people of Tarrant County.